Privacy Policy

Loomis Belgium NV (hereinafter “we” or “us”, “our”) attaches great importance to your privacy and considers it important that your personal data is always treated with the necessary care and confidentiality. With this privacy statement we try to provide an answer here. If you still have questions after reading this privacy statement, you can always contact us. This statement only applies to personal data that we process as data controller. It applies to the processing of personal data of people who contact us via the contact form or apply for a job with us.

Who is responsible for data processing?

Loomis Belgium SA.
Excelsiorlaan 45 – B-1930 Zaventem
+32 9 243 70 80

If you have any questions regarding this statement or the processing of your personal data, you can always contact us using the contact details above.

When will we collect your data?

We may process your data if you contact us or have contacted us:
E.g. a visit to the website;
Ex. fill out our contact form on our website;
Ex. apply for a job;

What data can we collect?

We may process the information below about you; depending on the situation, however, we do not always have all of the following information:

  • Your identification data: identity card details, copy of your identity card, etc.;
  • Your personal data: age, gender, date of birth, place of birth, marital status, nationality.
  • Your contact information: including your name, address and other contact details (e.g. email address and telephone number), etc. .;
  • Your contact history: communications sent and received (e.g. email messages) etc. .;
  • Your professional data: CV, education, certificates, language skills, employer (including history), professional activities, professional skills, publications, salaries, evaluation and development reports, interview report, reference search, profiles social media, etc.
In principle, we will not process any special categories of data (medical data, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union organization), unless they are transferred to us with your explicit consent.

For what purpose are my personal data used?

The data collected will only be used to give you an answer to your questions and to process your request.

What legal bases do we use to process your data?

The processing of your personal data that we obtain via the contact form or application form is based on your consent. At the bottom of the form you must indicate whether you agree to the treatment. If you wish to withdraw your consent or have your data deleted, please refer to the question “What are my rights?”

Who are the internal recipients of my personal data?

Contact form: Loomis Belgium Sales and Marketing
Application form: Loomis Belgium HR
We only store your personal information in Belgium. We have taken the necessary physical and appropriate technical and organizational (precautionary) measures to secure your personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. We limit access to personal information to staff and third parties if they need access to this information for legitimate and relevant business purposes.

Do we share your data with third parties?

Loomis Belgium SA does not share collected personal data with authorities and/or organizations located outside the EU/EEC.

What is the storage period for my personal data?

We do not store your personal data for longer than necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or processed. The retention period of data initially collected via Contact and Application Data is also linked to your consent. The data collected may be deleted upon withdrawal.

What are my rights?

You have various rights regarding personal data collected about you. If you wish to exercise any of the following rights, please contact us using the contact details given above (by email, telephone or post).
You have the following rights:

  • Right of access and copy;
  • Right of modification or rectification;
  • Right to exchange data (right to be forgotten);
  • Right to limit processing;
  • Right to object;
  • Right to transferability.
However, this exercise of the above rights is subject to certain exceptions to protect the public interest, our interests and the interests of other individuals. When you submit a request to exercise your rights, we will first verify your identity by requesting a copy of your identity card. We do this to prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands.

The exercise of your rights is in principle free. If your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge you a reasonable fee in respect of the administrative costs we have incurred. In the same case, however, we may also choose not to respond to your request. You will always be informed of the reasons for this. In all cases, we will always inform you within four weeks (for simple requests) or three months (for complex or multiple requests) of the follow-up given to your request.

For further information, we refer you to the website of the Commission for the Protection of Privacy:

How can I exercise these rights?

By sending a simple e-mail to , with this explicit declaration of your identity and the nature of the right that you wish to exercise.

What should I do if I want to file a complaint?

You can always send your complaint to  with a clear specification of your complaint. Additionally, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which you can contact using the following data:

  • by telephone: +32 (0) 2 274 48 00
  • by fax: +32 (0) 2 274 48 35
  • via e-mail:
  • via letter: Data Protection Authority,
    attn. complaint – privacy department,
    Drukpersstraat 35,
    1000 Brussels

Finally, if you suffer damage, you can also file a complaint with the competent court.

For further information regarding complaints and redress options, we invite you to consult the website of the Data Protection Authority:

Changes to the privacy statement

We may decide unilaterally to make changes to this privacy statement. However, the most recent version is available on our site at any time. We may unilaterally decide to make changes to this privacy statement. However, the most recent version is available on our site at any time.

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Loomis Belgium NV/SA
Excelsiorlaan 45 B-1930 Zaventem
+32 9 243 70 80

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